Marco Riani, Professor of Statistics

      Univ. of Parma (ITALY)

Short CV


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Msc in Economic-Statistics, Parma 1990 (cum laude)
PhD in Statistics, Florence 1995

Position and honours

1992-Now Fellow of the Italian Statistical Society
1996-1998. Post Doctoral Fellow in Statistics (University of Parma)
1997. Prize for the best Italian PhD thesis in Statistics.
1998-1999 Lecturer in Statistics (University of Parma).
1999-2006 Associate Professor of Statistics (University of Parma).
2006-Now Full Professor in Statistics (University of Parma).
2009-Now Associate Editor of the International Journal “Metron”.
2011- Now Associate Editor of "Statistical Methods and Applications"
2011-Now Member of the board of the Springer Series Unitext "Books in Statistics and Probability"

Professional memberships

Author or co-author of more than 120 publications, 40 of which have appeared in international journals and 2 books published by Springer Verlag New York. Co-editor of a book published by Springer Verlag Berlin.
Guest editor of the thematic issue of the Journal "Statistical Methods and Applications" titled "Robust Multivariate Analysis and Classification".
Member of the scientific committee of several national and international conferences.
2004 – 2007 Member of the steering committee of the ANSET group (workgroup of the Italian Statistical Society on Time Series Analysis).

Major Grants


2008-2012 Principal investigator of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research project “New Robust Methods for the Analysis of Complex Data”.
2009-2012: Italian coordinator of the joint bilateral project Italy Spain “Robust methods for the classification and forecasts of multivariate data”.
2006 – 2008: Principal investigator of the research unit of Parma of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research project “Sensitivity Analysis and impact assessment: applications to the decisions of local municipalities”.
2004 – 2006: Principal investigator of the research unit of Parma of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research project “Parametric and non parametric forecasts of economic time series”.
2004 – 2006: Member of the steering committee of the ESF financed research project "Statistical Analysis of Complex Data with Robust and Related Statistical Methods (SACD)".
2003 – 2004: Director of the financed research “Evaluation of the performance of the Italian Universities”. Italian National University Evaluation Committee.
2002 – 2004: Principal investigator of the research unit of Parma of the Ministry of Education and Research project “Statistical Inference on the dynamics of observed time series”
2000 – 2002: Principal investigator of the research unit of Parma of the Italian Ministry of Education and Research project “Linearity and non linearity in the analysis of economic time series”.

Visiting appointments

Aug 2008 – Nov 2008: Visiting Scientist, Joint Research Centre of the European Community.
1999 – 2012: Visiting Professor for several months at the Department of Statistics of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.  

Cooperation with young researchers

Five PhD theses supervised and already defended: 2007, Bruno Bertaccini (University of Florence); 2008, Cecilia Biasi (University of Milan); 2009, Tiziano Bellini (University of Milan), Francesca Torti (University of Milan, winner of the prize for the best PhD thesis in statistics in 2001), Sabina Mazza (University of Rome).
At present supervisor of Aldo Corbellini (University of Parma).
External examiner for final PhD thesis in the Universities of Padua (June 2006), Palermo (September 2008), Rome La Sapienza (February 2009), Florence (March 2009), Milan (April 2009),
Inspired and supervised the work of Kiell Konis (University of Oxford) and Tomas Demcenko (EC, Joint Research Centre) on robust statistics and the forward search, in particular the implementation of the FS method in S-plus, R and C (K. Konis) and in SAS (T. Demcenko). Supervised the work of Bruno Bertaccini (see for example Bertaccini and Varriale, 2007, CSDA, pp. 5172-5183).
Organizer of advanced schools (e.g. in 2007 and 2008 in the Univ. of Milano Bicocca, and 2004 2006, 2010, Italian Statistical Society schools in Parma) to introduce students at doctoral and post-doctoral level to the field of robust statistics. Such courses have been pleasantly attended also by more senior practitioners of regression and multivariate analysis applications.

Managerial Positions (or selected other professional service)

2007 – 2010. Vice-president of the Centre for Computing and Librarian Services of Parma University.
2004 – 2007. Member of the Steering Committee of the ANSET workgroup of the Italian Statistical Society.
2004 – 2006. Member of the Steering Committee of the European Science Foundation (ESF) financed project “Statistical Analysis of Complex Data with Robust and Related Statistical Methods (SACD)".
2001 – 2012. Scientific coordinator of the statistics courses of the “Marketing Management Master” organized by the University of Parma jointly with financial Italian newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”.
2001 – 2004. Vice-president of the Computing Laboratory Resources of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Parma.

Organization of International Conferences/Workshops

ERCIM12 – “5th International Conference on Computing and Statistics” (co-Chair), Oviedo, SP, December 2012.
CFE'11 – Member of the scientific committee of the meeting “5th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics”, Londra, UK, December 2011.
CLADAG 2011 – University of Pavia, Member of the scientific committee, September 2011.
CFE'10 – Member of the scientific committee of the meeting “4th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics”, Londra, UK, December 2010.
CFE'09 – “3rd International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics”, Limassol, Cyprus, Member of the scientific committee, October 2009.
ICORS2009 – Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the “International Conference on Robust Statistics”, Parma, June 2009.
CFE'08 – Member of the scientific committee of the meeting 2nd International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 2008.
ICORS2008 – Member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Robust Statistics, Antalya, September 2008.
CFE'07 – Member of the scientific committee of the meeting “International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics", Geneva, Switzerland, April, 2007.
ROBCLA 2006 – Chairman of the Organizing Committee and member of the Scientific Committee of the meeting “Robust Classification and Discrimination with High Dimensional Data”, Florence, Italy, January 2006.
COMPSTAT 2006 – Member of the Scientific Committee of the Satellite meeting of COMPSTAT 2006 - 8th Workshop of the Ercim Working Group on Matrix Computations and Statistics, Salerno, Italy, September 2006.
SER 2006 – Member of the scientific committee of the meeting “Time series analysis 2006”, April 2006, Rome, Italy. CLADAG 2005 – Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the meeting Classification and Data Analysis Group, Parma, June 2005.

Research activity – Main conference talks as invited speaker

XLVI Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Rome, Italy (2012), CFE-ERCIM 2011, London (2011) – ICORS 2011, Valladolid (2011), Spring meeting of the Dutch/Flemish classification society (VOC). Antwerp, Belgium (2011), International Workshop on the Scientific Approach to the Acheiropoietos Images (2010), ICORS 2010 Prague, Czeck Republic (2010). Intermediate Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Pescara. Italy (plenary lecture) (2009), ICORS 2008, Antalya, Turkey (2008). COMPSTAT 2008, Porto, Portugal (2008). XLIV Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Arcavata di Rende Cosenza, Italy (2008), 8th International Conference Computer Data Analysis and Modeling, Minsk: Belarusian State University, Russian Federation (2008) CLADAG 2007, Macerata, Italy (2007). ICORS 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2007), ISI 2007, Lisbon, Portugal (2007). 29th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, CAVTAT, Croatia (2007) Workshop on Robustness and Statistical Inference in Honor of Victor Yohai, (2006), 7th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics, Czech Republic. (2006) – ICORS 2006, Lisbon, Portugal (2006), ICORS 2005, Jyväskylä, Finland, DREAM (Diagnostics, Robustness, Exploration and Modelling) meeting, Milton Keynes, England (2005), Computational Management Science, Conference and Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics. Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2004), COMPSTAT 2002, 15th Symposium of IASC, Berlin, Germany (2002), XLI Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Milan, Italy. (2002), 4th International Conference on Chemometrics and Environmetrics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2000), Technometrics invited paper, Joint ASA & Biometrics Statistical Meetings, Indianapolis, USA. XXXIX meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence (2000). XL Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence (2000), Classification and data analysis group meeting (CALDAG), Rome (1999), Workshop in Robust Analysis of Multivariate Data: Outlier Detection, Cluster Identification and Data Mining, University of Braunschweig, Germany (1998), Conference on Seasonal Adjustment Methods, Bucarest (1998). VIII International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis: The Ins and Outs of Solving Real Problems, Naples (1997), XXXVII meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Rimini.