HARVEY A.C, KOOPMAN S. J, RIANI M. (1997). The Modeling and Seasonal Adjustment of Weekly Observations. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS. vol. 15, pp. 354-368 ISSN: 0735-0015. PDF
RIANI M., ZANI S. (1997). An Iterative Method for the Detection of Multivariate Outliers. METRON. vol. LV, pp. 101-117 ISSN: 0026-1424. PDF
ATKINSON A.C, RIANI M. (1997). Bivariate Boxplots, Multiple Outliers, Multivariate Transformations and Discriminant Analysis: The 1997 Hunter Lecture. ENVIRONMETRICS. vol. 8, pp. 583-602 ISSN: 1180-4009. PDF
ZANI S, RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. (1998). Robust Bivariate Boxplots and Multiple Outlier Detection. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. vol. 28, pp. 257-270 ISSN: 0167-9473. PDF
RIANI M. (1998). Weights and Robustness of Model Based Seasonal Adjustment. JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. vol. 17, pp. 19-34 ISSN: 0277-6693. PDF
RUGGERI M, RIANI M., RUCCI P, BIGGERI A, TANSELLA M. (1998). Multidimensional Assessment of Outcome in Psychiatry: the use of Graphical Displays. The South Verona Project 2. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODS IN PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. vol. 7, pp. 186-198 ISSN: 1049-8931. PDF
CERIOLI A., RIANI M. (1999). The Ordering of Spatial Data and the Detection of Multiple Outliers. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS. pp. 1-20 ISSN: 1061-8600. PDF
ZANI S., RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. (1999). New Methods for Ordering Multivariate Data: an Application to the Performance of Investment Funds. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS AND DATA ANALYSIS. vol. 15, pp. 485-493 ISSN: 8755-0024. PDF
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2000). Robust Diagnostic Data Analysis: Transformations in Regression. TECHNOMETRICS. vol. 42, pp. 384-394 ISSN: 0040-1706. With discussion. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2001). Regression Diagnostics for Binomial Data from the Forward Search. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES D-THE STATISTICIAN. vol. 50, pp. 63-78 ISSN: 0039-0526. PDF. DATASETS
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2001). A Unified Approach to Outliers, Influence, and Transformations in Discriminant Analysis. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS. vol. 10, pp. 513-544 ISSN: 1061-8600. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2002). Tests in the Fan Plot for Robust, Diagnostic Transformations in Regression. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS. vol. 60, pp. 87-100 ISSN: 0169-7439. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2002). Forward search added-variable t-tests and the effect of masked outliers on model selection. BIOMETRIKA. vol. 89, pp. 939-946 ISSN: 0006-3444. PDF
CERIOLI A., RIANI M. (2002). Robust Methods for the Analysis of Spatially Autocorrelated Data. STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS. vol. IV, pp. 335-358 ISSN: 1618-2510. PDF, DATASETS
RIANI M. (2004). Robust multivariate transformations to normality, constructed variables and likelihood ratio tests. STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS. vol. 13, pp. 179-196 ISSN: 1618-2510. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2004). The forward search and data visualization. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS. vol. 19, pp. 29-54 ISSN: 0943-4062. PDF
RIANI M. (2004). Extensions of the Forward Search to Time Series. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS (on line). vol. 8, pp. 1-23 ISSN: 1081-1826. PDF
ATKINSON A.C, RIANI M. (2006). Distribution Theory and Simulations for Tests of Outliers in Regression. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS. vol. 15, pp. 460-476 ISSN: 1061-8600. PDF DATASETS
RIANI M., CERIOLI A, CHIANDOTTO B. (2006). Editorial. STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS. vol. 3, pp. 267-269 ISSN: 1618-2510. Special Issue on Robust Multivariate Analysis and Classification. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2007). Discussion on the Paper by M. Handcock, A. Raftery and J. Tantrum. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. SERIES A. STATISTICS IN SOCIETY, vol. 170; p. 325-327, ISSN: 0964-1998, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2007.00471.x. PDF
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2007). Fast calibrations of the forward search for testing multiple outliers in regression. ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION. vol. 1, pp. 123-141 ISSN: 1862-5347. doi:10.1007/s11634-007-0007-y. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2007). Exploratory Tools for Clustering Multivariate Data. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. vol. 52, pp. 272-285 ISSN: 0167-9473. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2006.12.034. PDF
ATKINSON A.C, RIANI M. (2008). A robust and diagnostic information criterion for selecting regression models. JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY. ISSN: 1882-2754. Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 3-14. PDF
RIANI M. (2009). Robust Transformations in Univariate and Multivariate Time Series. ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS. Vol. 28, pp. 262-278. PDF
CERIOLI A., RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2009). Controlling the size of multivariate outlier tests with the MCD estimator of scatter, STATISTICS AND COMPUTING. Vol. 19, pp. 341-353. PDF
PROIETTI T., RIANI M. (2009). Transformations and Seasonal Adjustment, JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS, Vol. 30, pp. 47-69, PDF.
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CERIOLI A. (2009). Finding an unknown number of multivariate outliers, JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY, Series B Statistical Methodology, vol. 71; p. 447–466, , PDF, CODE
PERROTTA D., RIANI M., TORTI F. (2009). New robust dynamic plots for regression mixture detection, ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION, vol. 3; p. 263–279, doi: 10.1007/s11634-009-0050-y, PDF, CODE (Matlab toolbox FSDA)
ATKINSON A.C, RIANI M., CERIOLI A. (2010). The forward search: theory and data analysis (with discussion), JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, vol. 39, p. 117-134, doi:10.1016/j.jkss.2010.02.007 PDF, CODE (Matlab toolbox FSDA) .
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2010). Robust model selection with flexible trimming, COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS, vol. 54, p. 3300-3312, doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2010.03.007 PDF, CODE (Matlab toolbox FSDA)
RIANI M., CERIOLI A., ROUSSEEUW P. (2010). Special issue on Robust Methods for Classification and Data Analysis, ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION, vol. 4, p. 85-87, doi: 10.1007/s11634-010-0071-6.
BELLINI T., RIANI M. (2012). Robust Analysis of Default Intensity, COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS, 56, p. 3276-3285. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2011.03.007. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M.(2012). Discussion on the paper by Spiegelhalter, Sherlaw-Johnson, Bardsley, Blunt, Wood and Grigg. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. SERIES A. STATISTICS IN SOCIETY, vol. 175, ISSN: 0964-1998
TORTI F. PERROTTA D., ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (2012). Benchmark Testing of Algorithms for Very Robust Regression: FS, LMS and LTS. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS, vol. 56, p. 2501-2512, doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.02.003. PDF
RIANI, M., PERROTTA D., TORTI F. (2012). FSDA: A MATLAB toolbox for
robust analysis and interactive data exploration, CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT
LABORATORY SYSTEMS, 116, p. 17-32, doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2012.03.017.
RIANI, M., ATKINSON A.C., FANTI G., CROSILLA F. (2012). Regression
analysis with partially labelled regressors: carbon dating of the Shroud
doi: 10.1007/s11222-012-9329-5.
CERIOLI, A., FARCOMENI A., RIANI M. (2013). Robust distances for outlier-free goodness-of-fit testing, COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS, Special issue on robust analysis of complex data, Edited by Christophe Croux, Elvezio Ronchetti, Matías Salibián-Barrera and Stefan Van Aelst doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2012.03.008, vol. 65, pp. 29-45 PDF
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., PERROTTA D. (2014). A Parametric Framework for the Comparison of Methods of Very Robust Regression STATISTICAL SCIENCE, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 128–143. PDF, Supplementary material page.
CERIOLI A., FARCOMENI A. RIANI M., (2014). Strong consistency and robustness of the Forward Search estimator of multivariate location and scatter, JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS, Vol. 126 pp. 167–183. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2013.12.010. PDF
RIANI M., CERIOLI A., TORTI F. (2014). On consistency factors and efficiency of robust S-estimators TEST, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 356-387. DOI: 10.1007/s11749-014-0357-7, PDF
RIANI M., CERIOLI A., ATKINSON A.C., PERROTTA D. (2014). Monitoring Robust Regression. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, Vol. 8 pp. 646–677 http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-EJS897 PDF
RIANI M., PERROTTA D., CERIOLI A. (2015). The Forward Search for Very Large Datasets, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 67, Code Snippet 1, DOI: 10.18637/jss.v067.c01 . PDF
CORBELLINI A. RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2015). Discussion to the paper by Hubert, Rousseeuw and Segaert: multivariate functional outlier detection. Statistical Methods and Applications Vol. 24, p.257–261 DOI 10.1007/s10260-015-0324-9. PDF
RIANI M., CERIOLI A., PERROTTA D. and TORTI F. (2015). Simulating mixtures of multivariate data with fixed cluster overlap in FSDA. Advances in data analysis and classification. Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 461-481. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-015-0223-9. PDF Electronic supplementary material https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-015-0223-9 .
SALINI S., CERIOLI A., LAURINI F, RIANI M. (2015). Reliable robust regression diagnostics. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 84, pp.99-127; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/insr.12103. Excel files contaning threholds for individual and simultaneous outlier detection test. Zip archive with .txt files containing threholds for both individual and simultaneous outlier detection test. In MATLAB these thresholds can be easily retrieved using the FSDA toolbox calling function RobRegrSize. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., CERIOLI A., RIANI M., (2016). Discussion to the paper by Johansen and Nielsen: Asymptotic Theory of Outlier Detection Algorithms for Linear Time Series Regression Models, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, p. 349-352, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sjos.12210
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., TORTI F., (2016). Robust methods for heteroskedastic regression, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 104, p. 209–222, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2016.07.002, PDF
DONATI M., ZUPPIROLI M., RIANI M., VERGA G. (2016). The Impact of Investors in Agricultural Commodity Derivative Markets 45, p. 25–31, https://doi.org/10.5367%2Foa.2016.0233
ATKINSON A.C., CORBELLINI A., RIANI M. (2017). Robust Bayesian Regression with the Forward Search: Theory and Data Analysis, Test, n. 26 pp. 869–886, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-017-0542-6, PDF
CERIOLI A., GARCÍA-ESCUDERO L.A., MAYO-ISCAR A., RIANI M (2017). Finding the number of normal groups in model-based clustering via constrained likelihoods. Journal Computational Graphical Statistics, p. 404-416. https://doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2017.1390469, PDF
CERIOLI A., RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CORBELLINI A., (2018). The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample, Statistical Methods and Applications (with discussion), 27, p. 559-587 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10260-017-0409-8 PDF + rejoinder
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., CERIOLI A., (2018). Cluster Detection and Clustering with Random Start Forward Searches Journal of Applied Statistics, n. 45, p. 777-798 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2017.1310806
RIANI M., CORBELLINI A., ATKINSON A.C. (2018). The Use of Prior Information in Very Robust Regression for Fraud Detection. International Statistical Review, Vol. 86, p. 205-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/insr.12247
ROUSSEEUW P.J., PERROTTA D., RIANI M., HUBERT M. (2018). Robust Monitoring of Time Series with Application to Fraud Detection. Econometrics and Statistics, 9, p. 108-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosta.2018.05.001
TORTI F. PERROTTA D., RIANI M. CERIOLI A (2019). Assessing Trimming Methodologies for Clustering Linear Regression Data, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Vol. 13, pp. 227–257. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-018-0331-4 .
CERIOLI A., FARCOMENI A., RIANI M. (2019). Wild adaptive trimming for robust estimation and cluster analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 46, p. 235-256. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/sjos.12349
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CERIOLI A., CORBELLINI A. (2019). Efficient robust methods via monitoring for clustering and multivariate data analysis, Pattern Recognition, 88, p. 246–260. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2018.11.016
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CERIOLI A., CORBELLINI A. (2019). Comments on: Data science, big data and statistics, Test, 28, p. 349–352, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11749-019-00647-5
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. (2020). The analysis of transformations for profit-and-loss data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 69, p. 251-275, https://doi.org/10.1111/rssc.12389
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C.,, CORBELLINI A., PERROTTA D. (2020). Robust Regression with Density Power Divergence: Theory, Comparisons, and Data Analysis, Entropy, 22, 399. https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/22/4/399
GARCÍA-ESCUDERO L.A., MAYO-ISCAR A., RIANI M . (2020). Model-based clustering with determinant-and-shape constraint, Statistics and Computing, 30, p. 1363–1380, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11222-020-09950-w
DI LAZZARO, P., ATKINSON, A.C., IACOMUSSI, P., RIANI, M., RICCI, M., WADHAMS, P. (2020). Statistical and Proactive Analysis of an Inter-Laboratory Comparison: The Radiocarbon Dating of the Shroud of Turin. Entropy, 22, 926. https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/22/9/926
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. (2021). The Box-Cox Transformation: Review and Extensions, Statistical Science, 36, p. 239-255, DOI: 10.1214/20-STS778
TORTI F., RIANI M., MORELLI G. (2021). Semiautomatic robust regression clustering of international trade data, Statistical Methods and Applications, (open access) 30, 863–894 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10260-021-00569-3.pdf
RIANI M., HUBERT G. (2021). Special issue in robust statistics, Editorial, (open access) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40300-021-00213-w
SALINI S., LAURINI F., MORELLI G., RIANI M. AND CERIOLI A. (2021). Covariance matrices of S robust regression estimators, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2021.1972300
COZZINI P., CAVALIERE F., SPAGGIARI G., MORELLI G., RIANI M. (2021). Computational methods on food contact chemicals: Big data and in silico screening on nuclear receptors family. Chemosphere. 2021 Dec 28;292:133422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133422
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SPAGGIARI G., MORELLI G., RIANI M., COZZINI P.A. (2022). Synergism of in silico and statistical approaches to discover new potential endocrine disruptor mycotoxins. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2022 v. 435:115832. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2021.115832.
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RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CORBELLINI A., TORTI F. (2022). Robust Correspondence Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, https://doi.org/10.1111/rssc.12580
RIANI, M., ATKINSON, A.C., CORBELLINI (2023). Automatic robust Box–Cox and extended Yeo–Johnson transformations in regression. Stat Methods Appl., 32, pp. 75-102, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10260-022-00640-7
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CERIOLI A, RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2006). Robust classification with categorical variables. In: RIZZI A. AND VICHI M. EDS. Proceedings in Computational Statistics. (pp. 507-519). ISBN: 3-7908-1708. BERLIN: Springer Verlag (GERMANY). PDF
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RIANI M., CERIOLI A., ATKINSON A.C., PERROTTA D., TORTI F. (2008). Fitting Mixtures of Regression Lines with the Forward Search. In: Mining Massive Data Sets for Security F. Fogelman-Soulié et al. EDS. (pp. 271-286). IOS Press, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., CERIOLI A. (2010). Robust Clustering for Performance Evaluation. In: Data analysis and classification, C. Lauro, F. Palumbo and M. Greenacre (eds.), (pp. 381-390). Springer, Berlin. PDF
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CERIOLI A., ATKINSON A.C., Riani M. (2011). Some Perspectives on Multivariate Outlier Detection. In: S. Ingrassia, R. Rocci, M. Vichi (eds). New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis (pp. 231-238), BERLIN: Springer Verlag, ISBN: 9783642113628, PDF
RIANI M., ATKINSON A., CERIOLI A. (2012) Problems and Challenges in the Analysis of Complex Data: Static and Dynamic Approaches. In: Di Ciaccio, A., Coli, M. Angulo Ibanez, J.M. (Eds.) Advanced Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large Data-Sets (pp. 145-157), BERLIN: Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-21036-5, PDF
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ATKINSON A.C., CERIOLI A., MORELLI G., RIANI M., (2015). Finding the Number of Sisparate Clusters with Background Contamination (invited paper). In Lausen et al., Data Science, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery Analysis, Springer, Berlin. pp. 29-41 PDF
ATKINSON, A. C. CORBELLINI A., RIANI M. (2016), Introducing Prior Information into the Forward Search for Regression, in Topics on Methodological and Applied Statistical Inference Di Battista, T., Moreno, E., Racugno, W. (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-8. PDF
CERIOLI A., ATKINSON, A. C., RIANI M. (2016), How to Marry Robustness and Applied Statistics, in Topics on Methodological and Applied Statistical Inference Di Battista, T., Moreno, E., Racugno, W. (Eds.)- Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51-64. PDF
PROIETTI T., RIANI M. (2018), Transformations and Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series, in Handbook of Seasonal Adjustment (2018 edition), Mazzi G. (Ed.)- Eurostat, Luxembourg, pp. 196-212. PDF
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. MORELLI G. (2021), ACE,AVAS and Robust Data Transformations: Performance of Investment Funds”, in Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis - Methods and Applications, Balzano S., Porzio G.C., Salvatore R., Vistocco D., Vichi M. (eds.). Series in Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, pp. 1-8
GARCÍA-ESCUDERO, L.A., MAYO-ISCAR, A., MORELLI, G., RIANI, M. (2022). Advances in Robust Constrained Model Based Clustering. In: García-Escudero, L.A, et al. Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science. SMPS 2022. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1433. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15509-3_22
GARCÍA-ESCUDERO, L.A., MAYO-ISCAR, A., MORELLI, G., RIANI, M. (2022). Old and new constraints in model based clustering In: Brito P. et al. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer https://link.springer.com/book/9783031090332
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C., CORBELLINI A. (2023), Robust Response Transformations for Generalized Additive Models via Additivity and Variance Stabilisation, in Statistical Models and Methods for Data Science, Grilli L., Lupparelli M., Rampichini C., Rocco E., Vichi M. (eds.) Series in Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer,
FERRARI G. and RIANI M. (1993). Some Problems of Purchasing Power Parities Calculation at the Basic Headings Level. 49th Session of the International Statistical Institute. 25-august 2-september. (pp. 441-442). Firenze, Italy.
FERRARI G., GOZZI G., RIANI M. (1996). Comparing CPD and GEKS Approaches at the Basic Headings Level. CPI and PPP: Improving the Quality of Price Indices. december. (pp. 323-337). Firenze, Italy.
RIANI M. (1998). Theoretical Autocorrelations in the Seasonally Adjusted Series. Seasonal Adjustment Methods. 22-24 ottobre. (pp. 35-36). Bucarest, Romania.
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M. (1998). Regression Diagnostics for Binomial Data from the Forward Search. 13th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling. (pp. 101-108). New Orleans, USA.
RIANI M. (1998). Theoretical Autocorrelations in the Seasonally Adjusted Series. Seasonal Adjustment Methods. 22-24 ottobre. (pp. 35-36). Bucarest, Romania.
ZANI S., RIANI M. (1999). Longitudinal Outlier Detection Through Robust Bivariate Boxplots. 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute. 10-18 August. Helsinki: Edita ltd., FINLAND.
ATKINSON A.C. and RIANI M. (1999). Robust diagnostic discriminant analysis with the forward search. In: Bulletin of the International Statistical Insitute. ISI 99. 10-18 agosto. (pp. 45-46). HELSINKI: Edita ltd., FINLAND.
RIANI M., GROSSI L. (2002). Robust Time Series Analysis Through the Forward search. Proceedings in Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT 2002 (W. Hardle and B. Ronz (eds).
RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2004). Simple Simulations for Robust Tests of Multiple Outliers in Regression. COMPSTAT 2004. 23-27 August 2004. (pp. 405-416). ISBN/ISSN: 3-7908-1554-3.
RIANI M. (2004). Robust Transformations in time series. Computational Management Science Conference and Workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistic. 2-5 aprile 2004. (pp. 109).
ATKINSON A. C, RIANI M., CERIOLI, A. (2006). An econometric application of the forward search in clustering: robustness and graphics. In: Prague Stochastics 2006. 7th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics. 21-25 agosto. (pp. 63-72). PRAGUE: Matfyz Press. PDF
ATKINSON A.C, RIANI M. (2007). Building Regression Models with the Forward Search. In: Proceedings of the ITI 2007. 29th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces. June 25-28, Cavtat, Croatia. (pp. 3-11). ISBN/ISSN: 953-7138-10-0. doi:10.1109/ITI.2007.4283733. PDF
CERIOLI A, RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2007). Clustering Continuous or Categorical Data with the Forward Search. In: ISI 2007 Book of Abstracts. ISI 2007. 22-29 August. ISBN/ISSN: 978-972-8859-71-8. LISBON: Centro de Estatıstica e Aplicacoes (CEAUL); (PORTUGAL). PDF. DATASETS
ATKINSON A.C., RIANI M., LAURINI F. (2007). Approximate Envelopes for Finding an Unknown Number of Multivariate Outliers in Large Data Sets. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference "Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Complex Stochastic Data and Systems", September 11-15, 2007, Minsk. - Minsk: Belarusian State University, 2007. - Vol. 1. - P. 11-18. PDF, DATASETS
Fanti G., Crosilla F., RIANI M., ATKINSON A.C. (2010). A robust statistical analysis of the 1988 Turin Shroud radiocarbon dating results. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Scientific Approach to the Acheiropoietos Images. FRASCATI (ROMA), 4-6 maggio 2010, p. 249-253, Rome: ENEA: Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development, ISBN: 9788882862329. PDF
Cerioli A., RIANI M. and TORTI F. (2011). Accurate and Powerful Multivariate Outlier Detection. Proceedings of ISI 2011, Dublin, August 21-26.
Robust Diagnostic Data Analysis, JSM 2001, Statistical science for the information age, Atlanta, Georgia, (with A.C. Atkinson), August 5-9, 2001. JSM: Continuing Education Series
RIANI M. (1994). Sulla destagionalizzazione dei N.I. della produzione industriale con l'approccio 'model based' strutturale. In: C. QUINTANO. Recenti contributi di Statistica Economica. (pp. 155-188). NAPOLI: Curto editore (ITALY).
RIANI M. (1995). Analisi grafiche di dati multidimensionali: un'applicazione ad un insieme di aziende tessili, in P. Ganugi, Analisi statistica dell'industria tessile, Giuffrè, Milano, pp. 149-182.
RIANI M. (1996). Aspetti della qualità della vita desumibili dai bilanci delle amministrazioni comunali",. In: ZANI S. Misure della qualità della vita,. (pp. 329-368). MILANO: franco angeli (ITALY).
RIANI M., ZANI S. (2000). Rappresentazioni grafiche e trasformazioni di dati multidimensionali. In: ZANI S. Analisi dei dati statistici II, Osservazioni multidimensionali. (pp. 33-76). MILANO: Giuffré (ITALY).
RIANI M., ACCARDO B., CIPOLLINI F. (2000). Lo studio della situazione congiunturale della provincia di Prato. In: GANUGI P. Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica nei distretti industriali. (pp. 221-265). MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).
GANUGI P., GOZZI G., RIANI M. (2000). Il monitoraggio delle società tessili attraverso modelli di scoring. In: GANUGI P. Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica nei distretti industriali. (pp. 319-372). MILANO: Franco Angeli (ITALY).
ZANI S., RIANI M., CORBELLINI A. (2002). Boxplot bivariato robusto e forward search: applicazioni nel controllo di qualità. In: LAURO N.C., SCEPI G. Analisi multivariata per la qualità totale. (pp. 135-146). MILANO: Franco Angeli.
RIANI M., CERIOLI A. (2002). La forward search per il controllo di qualità di dati autocorrelati. In: LAURO N.C., SCEPI G. Analisi multivariata per la qualità totale. (pp. 117-134). MILANO: Franco Angeli.
DE LAURENTIS G., RIANI M. (2004). Recovery Rates Determinants: Evidence from the Italian Leasing Market. In: DE LAURENTIS G. Performance Measurements Frontiers in Banking and Finance,. (pp. 145-195). MILANO: Egea (ITALY).
Proceedings of Italian meetings (up to 2009)
RIANI M., GALLO G. (1994). Filtering e Smoothing non Gaussiano: alcune estensioni. XXXVII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica. 6-8 aprile. (pp. 397-404).
CERIOLI A., RIANI M. (1996). Metodi per l'individuazione di valori anomali nelle analisi spaziali. XXXVIII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica,. (vol. 1, pp. 487-498). Rimini.
RIANI M. (1997). Monitoraggio dei fallimenti: il caso delle industrie tessili della provincia di Prato. La statistica per le imprese. 3-4 aprile. (pp. 359-366). Torino. PDF
RIANI M. (1999). A Robust Approach To Multivariate Transformations in Discriminant Analysis. Cladag 1999. 5-6 luglio. (pp. 153-156). Roma.
ROMANAZZI M., RIANI M. (2000). Bivariate Boxplots and Quality Control. XL Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica. 26-28 aprile. (pp. 785-788). Firenze.
CERIOLI A., RIANI M. (2001). Robust Methods for the Analysis of Spatially Autocorrelated Data. SCO 2001. (pp. 355-360).
RIANI M., BINI M. (2002). Robust Dimensional Reduction. Atti della XLI Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica. giugno. (pp. 295-306).
PROIETTI T., RIANI M. (2006). Seasonal Adjustment and Transformations. In: Atti della XLIII Riunione Scientifica SIS. XLIII Riunione Scientifica SIS. 14-16 giugno 2006. (pp. 455-458). ISBN/ISSN: 88-7178-781-9. PADOVA: CLEUP (ITALY).
CERIOLI A., RIANI M. (2006). Robust Classification of E-government data. In: Atti della XLIII Riunione Scientifica SIS. XLIII Riunione Scientifica SIS. 14-16 giugno. (pp. 537-540). ISBN/ISSN: 88-7178-791-9. PADOVA: CLEUP (ITALY).
RIANI M., LAGOMARSINI R. and MICOZZI A. (2007), Robust Clustering for Performance Evaluation. Atti del convegno scientifico CLADAG 2007, 12-14 settembre (pp. 175-178). ISBN: 978-88-6056-020-9, MACERATA: eum edizioni (ITALY).
RIANI M., CERIOLI A., PERROTTA D. and TORTI F. (2008) Robust methods for complex data, Atti della XLIV Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS), Università della Calabria, Campus di Arcavacata, 25-27 giugno 2008 (pp. 163-170), ed. Cleup (ITALY). ISBN 978-88-6129-228-4. PDF
RIANI M., (2009) Problems and Challenges in the Analysis of Complex Data: Static and Dynamic Approaches, (keynote paper), Atti della Riunione Intermedia della Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS), Università G. D'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara, 23-25 settembre 2009 (pp. 9-12), ed. Cleup (ITALY). ISBN 978-88-6129-425-7.
Analisi grafiche di dati multidimensionali: un'applicazione ad un insieme di aziende tessili, in P. Ganugi, Analisi statistica dell'industria tessile, Giuffrè, Milano (1995), pp. 149-182.
"Aspetti della qualità della vita desumibili dai bilanci delle amministrazioni comunali", in S. Zani (a cura di): "Misure della qualità della vita", Franco Angeli, Milano, (1996), pp. 329-368.
"Rappresentazioni grafiche e trasformazioni di dati multidimensionali", in S. Zani: "Analisi dei dati statistici II osservazioni multidimensionali; Giuffré, Milano, (2000), pp. 33-76.
Lo studio della situazione congiunturale della provincia di Prato, in P. Ganugi (a cura di) "Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica nei distretti industriali", con B. Accardo e F. Cipollini, Franco Angeli, Milano , (2000).
Il monitoraggio delle società tessili attraverso modelli di scoring, in P. Ganugi (a cura di) "Ricerche quantitative per la politica economica nei distretti industriali", con P. Ganugi e G. Gozzi, Franco Angeli, Milano , (2000).
"La forward search per il controllo di qualità di dati autocorrelati", in Lauro N.C. e Scepi G. (eds.), Analisi multivariata per la qualità totale. Metodologia, aspetti computazionali ed applicazioni, Franco Angeli, Milano, (2002).
RIANI M. (2005). Un modello statistico per l'analisi della dipendenza temporale dei tassi bancari dai tassi interbancari. In: TAGLIAVINI G. (a cura di). Guida a Excel per la finanza aziendale. L'utilizzo del foglio elettronico nei principali problemi di analisi finanziaria. (pp. 331-359). ISBN: 978-88-483-0556-3. MILANO: Hoepli SPA (ITALY).
RIANI M., ZANI S. (2007). Rappresentazioni grafiche e trasformazioni di dati multidimensionali. In: ZANI S. e CERIOLI A. Analisi dei dati e data mining per le decisioni aziendali. (pp. 173-214). MILANO: Giuffré (ITALY).
BELLINI T., RIANI M. (2010). Un modello statistico per l'analisi della dipendenza temporale dei tassi bancari dai tassi interbancari. In: TAGLIAVINI G. (a cura di). Excel per la finanza e il mangement. L'utilizzo del foglio elettronico nei principali problemi di finanza aziendale e mangemenent. (pp. 273-303). ISBN: 978-88-483-1263-9. MILANO: Hoepli SPA (ITALY). PDF
"Analisi delle Sequenze nei Modelli Longitudinali Applicati al Mercato del Lavoro", Quaderno N. 10 dell'Istituto di Statistica della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio dell'Università di Parma (1992).
"Mobilità e Ricchezza nei Paesi della CEE", (in collaborazione con C. Canali, con indicazione a stampa dei contributi), Quaderno N. 1 dell'Istituto di Economia e Politica dei Trasporti della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio di Parma (1993).
"Il sistema Prato: analisi e previsioni: l'analisi della congiuntura attraverso un'ipotesi di osservatorio dei bilanci", (in collaborazione con G. Gozzi e P. Ganugi), Quaderni del Sistema informativo dell'economia e del lavoro, n. 3, provincia di Prato (1997).
"Indicatori dell'economia Parmense: 1981-1996", con S. Zani, in: Forum sull'economia parmense - situazioni e prospettive, quaderno n. 11 (1997).
Prospettive demografiche e qualità della vita nella bassa Parmense, con S. Zani e A. Cerioli, provincia di Parma, assessorato attività produttive e ufficio artigianato (1997)
Indagini sulle PMI Parmensi, Internet, rapporti con le banche e passaggio all'EURO, con S. Zani e A. Cerioli, provincia di Parma, Assessorato alle attività produttive, e Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato, Agricoltura di Parma (2001).